Teacher Handbook: SEND

This handbook has been developed by NASEN and Whole School SEND as a resource for teachers to use over time as they embed inclusive practice in their classrooms: it is not intended that it is read cover-to-cover. It has been written for both primary, secondary and specialist colleagues: teaching assistants, teachers, senior leaders and headteachers. The handbook includes whole-school and whole-class approaches as well as subject-specific and condition-specific guidance.

They have aimed to bring together, in one cohesive document, the perspectives of children and young people and their families, teachers and support staff, subject specialists, special educational needs co-ordinators (SENCOs) and other senior leaders, Headteachers, Educational Psychologists and specialist external agencies, including speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, mental health workers, physiotherapists and specialist teachers.

You will need to register with NASEN to access the handbook (registration is free):
